We just had our final ultrasound today. Well unless my OB orders more, and with her, who knows. But the good news is that everything looks good!
The Russian tech looked at all the organs and the size of the head and
the stomach and the femur length and so on and as of right now Graglo
is estimated to weight 4 lbs 11 oz with a due date of Aug 22nd -which
is pretty darn close to the previous due date of the 23rd. After
telling us the due date she did say to us in a charming Russian accent
‘you know baby comes when baby comes’. Indeed
The ultrasound showed that Graglo is head down, facing my spine with
butt sticking forward towards the front of my belly. The tech pointed
at a bump placed higher on my stomach and said ‘that bump is butt’. So
apparently Graglo is already showing the world her/his best side 🙂
We did get some ultrasounds pics, so if we’re organized enough to scan them, we can post them too.
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