Big news in Europe!

In addition to seeing the many amazing sights and eating far (far, far oh, so far) too many chocolate croissants, AJ lost his first tooth! The lower front two teeth have been wobbly for awhile and I can see the two GIANT teeth coming up behind them (oh the orthodontist bills in our future!)… but still they remained.

Tonight while brushing his teeth, the first one came out. We learned from my French parents, Michele and Gilbert, that the French have a tooth mouse who takes your tooth and gives you money, instead of a tooth fairy. So we figured that since he’s an American in Paris he’ll get a tooth mouse fairy and she’ll probably leave Euros (which Jackson said he’d give to me). As per his request I wrote her a note asking her to leave his tooth and leave him a message. Clearly I have a full night of activities ahead of me.

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