Author Archives

Obaminauguration: no we couldn’t

For those of you who pay attention to politics, you may have heard that there was an inauguration on January 20th. The inauguration took place in our Nation’s Capital, which is Washington DC, which also happens to be where we live. The next logical question would be: did we attend? Well, mostly no, but a […]

Blinded by the light: genetics, genetics everywhere

When we dropped Jackson off at daycare this morning I saw this on the wall at the Holocaust museum -which is the building next to the daycare center. I thought it was really cool and I exclaimed with excitement: “Look Mike, it’s an art installation using chromosomes to show the loss of human life and […]

How do you like your blue-eyed boy? *

We get many comments about how totally cute Jackson is and “oh those blue eyes. Where do those eyes come from?” Well I tell you, you can get round many things, but genetics always gets you in the end. *Line is from the ee cummings poem Buffalo Bill Buffalo Bill’s defunct who used to ride […]

Action Jackson meets solid food!

You’ll note that I wrote ‘meets’ and not ‘eats’, as we are not quite sure right now how much of the food actually went into the mouth, down the throat and reached the belly. Oh yes, there was redistribution of food to be sure – it did go from the bowl, to the spoon, to […]

Action Jackson: can he really be our offspring?!?!

I should really go to bed right now (Mike’s out of town and I’ve started back at work. I’ve learned that it takes me 2 1/2 to 3 hrs between getting up and arriving at my desk, what with getting myself and the boy and all of our crap out the door and to the […]

Happy New Year!!!!

Mike, Action Jackson and I would all like to wish you smooth sailing for 2009!! Big smooches, k, m and aj If you’d like to see more photos of our man in uniform go to: Hello, Sailor!

India photos now in!!!

It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for: we have finally posted all of our India photos. And when I say all, I mean there are A LOT of photos. We’ve broken them down into sub-folders so as to clarify and not overwhelm. No guarantees that we’ll be successful with that however. We also intend […]

Early X-mas in NJ

So we just spent the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Graven, Aunt Kathy, Uncle Nathan and Cousin Henry in NJ. A fun time was had by all. I really have lots more to say about it, but the cab is coming to take us to the airport to go to India, so let’s just use […]

Action Jackson: cute baby or evil master of fluid dynamics??

Our baby boy is growing up fast. Despite his having a cold the past week, he’s still packing on the pounds (he was 13 lbs 9 oz when he was weighed over a week ago, so he’s probably over 14 by now), he’s making developmental advances – smiling, really arching his back and lifting his […]

Action Jackson vs the Nasty Virus

While a great time was had by all in Minneapolis we did end up making a few ‘friends’ that we could do without.  Both Mike and Jackson came down with colds. Mike got some sorta bronchial thing and is on antibiotics. Jackson has been battling a fever and has had congestion so he snorts and […]